Feed waste cannot be recycled for human feed but some of them can be used for animal feed. This is mainly candy and bread.
A good mixture of the different melting temperature is needed when recycling old plastic or rubber
The Multimix mixer can be used for breaking bales with old paper. This is used for recycle paper or paper wool used as insulation material.
Source graded kitchen waste can be composted or used for biogas after going through a shredding and mixing process.
Multimix can be used for mixing and dispensing of composte material, with the use of a coin payment box or card payment.
Slurry from purification plant can be mixed with wood chips. The temperature will naturally raise to 70-80 C. and take out the moist. The slurry smell will after this be gone.
Maskinfabrikken Cormall A/S
Tornholm 3
DK-6400 Sønderborg
CVR: DK-13769699
Phone: +45 7448 6111
Email: info@cormall.dk